Rules engine is an add-on tool to Call Center Manager. With Rules Engine, for example, you can easily set up flexible rules to route your calls to the most appropriate VOIP service based on the campaign and cost.
Click the "Manage" menu and select "Rules Engine", then select "Set Line Usage Rules". Click the "Add" button to add a new line usage rule.
The line usage rule contains two part: one is the specification for calls, and the other for which line to use. Since the line started in Voicent Gateway is determined by your VOIP account, the line usage rule sets up VOIP account usage indirectly.
The rules engine gives fine grained control over each phone call. To define a phone call, use campaign keys and call specific keys.
Campaign keys include name, tool, and call message. Call keys include name, phone, message, and any column info in the call list spreadsheet.
These keys are used in a condition (an arithmetic expression) to specific the calls that will be affected by the rule. For example, the condition __Camp__.Name == 'Follow Up Call' specifies any call that is from the campaign named "Follow Up Call".
The target line is specified by its line number.