Send automated phone surveys to all attendees, or have attendees call a number on the screen to give feedback. Take polls in real time and display the results as responses come flying in on the projection screen. It's fun and engaging for your attendees.
Collect Data About Your AttendeesWant email addresses of your attendees, or other information? Use automated telephone polling to get data. The results will be automatically processed and stored to be viewed whenever you want.
Get Feedback On Your ConferenceAsk conference attendees to rate your talk and tell you what they found most appealing and interesting during your presentation. Automated phone surveys are a great way to keep attendees engaged and aware of your conference even after the conference is over.
Automated phone surveys help you measure your impact on your attendees. Use phone surveys at every conference to track trends and improvement. You can re-use and re-run surveys whenever you want.
Take AttendanceUsing phone surveys are a neat way to take attendance, as well as learn a little more about your attendees. Ask them how they heard about your conference, and whether they would attend your conference again.