Federal anti-spam laws require that marketing emails only be sent to people who have asked for them by subscribing to them or otherwise requesting them.
Bulk email sender sends email that is individualized, including, for example, the recipient's name in the body of the email.
Emails sent to incorrect email addresses will be bounced back to you. For large mailing list, that creates a lot of clean-up work! With Voicent BroadcastByEmail software, users can click a button to automatically remove bounced email addresses.
Helps you easily comply with federal email marketing laws by allowing people to unsubscribe to the email list, and then automatically honoring the requests.
Know who opened the email and how often. This feature requires a website to work with the broadcast email software.
BroadcastByEmail Web Module (bbemod) enables Voicent BroadcastByEmail software to communicate with a web site and its database. Specifically, it provides email subscribe/unsubscribe web pages, managing these email addresses in a mysql database, and stores email open tracking data.
This module should be installed on your web site.
Before you begin the install, there are few things you need to have and do. You need access to your site and its directory and software to proceed with the installation. These are: access to your web server (via shell or FTP); a text editor; an FTP Client; your web browser of choice.
Your web server should support PHP and MySQL database.
The short instruction is listed here. For a detailed description, please see Detailed Instructions section listed below.
Step 1. Download And Extract
Download the BroadcastByPhone Web Module to your computer and unzip the package.
Step 2. Create the Database and a User
If your hosting provider supplies the cPanel hosting control panel, you may follow these simple instructions to create your bbemod username and database.
If your web server has phpMyAdmin installed, you may follow these simple instructions to create your bbemod username and database.
Step 3. Edit class.config.php File
Open class.config.php file in a text editor and fill in the correct information below TODO.
private $productionServers = array('/^your-domain\.com$/');
change 'your-domain' to your site's name. e.g. if your site is 'acme.com', replace 'your-domain' with 'acme'define('WEB_ROOT', '/bbemod');
change the /bbemod to the folder name you will install the module; leave it unchanged if you will keep the folder name as 'bbemod'
$this->dbReadHost = 'localhost'; // database host
$this->dbName = ''; // database name for bbemod
$this->dbReadUsername = ''; // database user name
$this->dbReadPassword = ''; // database user password
Step 4. Upload the Files
Use an FTP client to upload the unzipped bbemod directory to your desired location within the root directory of your web site. Please note if you change the directory name to something other than 'bbemod', you must change the WEB_ROOT value as described in step 3.
Step 5. Run the Install Script
Point a web browser to start the installation script. If you placed the bbemod files in a subdirectory under the root directory, for example, you should visit: http://example.com/bbemod/install.php