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Log Action

A log action is a simple action that writes certain information to a log file.

Create a Log Action

Actions can be created from the action properties of an element. Right click on any element, select Properties from the popup menu, select the action tab, then click the New button. From the Choose Action Type dialog window, select log action. The following is a log action from the Log Information sample.

Log Message Items

A log action contains a list of message items. These items are to be written to a log file in the same order as the order defined in the list. A log action automatically appends a new line character at the end of the message items. Click the New button to create a new log message item.

Each message item is defined by a dialog window that is similar to the set variable dialog window. The only difference is that a log message item does not require a name.


The Log Information sample shows you how to save caller responses to a log file.

The figure shown at the beginning of this section is a log action for the Yes element. After a caller pressed one, the Yes element is activated. Once the log action is executed, the application writes a line containing the current time, followed by the caller ID, then a string 'Yes'. The application log file looks like the following:

1189207655125, 16508888888, YES
1189207735421, 16500000000, NO
1190415594375, 16501234567, YES

The first column is the timestamp of the called time.


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