IVR Studio
IVR Studio consists of two components: IVR Studio GUI
(graphical user interface) and Voicent Gateway. The GUI component
is used to design IVR applications. Voicent Gateway is the
component that actually handles telephone interactions.
IVR Studio GUI
IVR Studio can be invoked from Windows Desktop or from Windows
Start menu. Simply click the following IVR Studio icon to invoke
the GUI component.

Voicent Gateway
Voicent Gateway is the component that actually handles phone
interactions based on IVR applications. You can find the gateway
icon in the Windows toolbar notification area.

Except for a few option settings, most of the time the gateway
operates in the background. It runs as a Windows service, which
automatically starts with Windows starts. Voicent Gateway can
be used for both incoming and outgoing calls. The none-shareware
edition of IVR Studio includes an inbound gateway license. If
you are a developer and would like to develop your own interactive
voice applications using Voicent Gateway, please take a look at
Voicent Developer Network. |