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6.2 Edit the Windows Batch File

As we show in the previous sections, the recorded audio file referred here is C:\Call List\recorded_message.wav. This file is submitted to Voicent Gateway when the application is deployed.

The Lesson 5 Batch File

This is the runvcast.bat file under the folder C:\Call List.

REM delay for 30 seconds
REM use ping command as a workaround since there is no sleep command

ping -n 30 -w 1000 > NUL

REM move and rename audio file

move /Y "%1" "C:\Program Files\Voicent\Gateway\apps\lesson5_msg\webapps\recorded_message.wav"

REM now launch broadcastbyphone
REM add -noexit if you want to keep the program up after broadcast

"C:\Program Files\Voicent\BroadcastByPhone\bin\vcast.exe"
     "C:\Call List\mylist.voc"
     -startnow -cleanstatus

The New Batch File

All we need to do is get rid of the move command. The new content is shown below:

REM delay for 30 seconds
REM use ping command as a workaround since there is no sleep command

ping -n 30 -w 1000 > NUL

REM now launch broadcastbyphone
REM add -noexit if you want to keep the program up after broadcast

"C:\Program Files\Voicent\BroadcastByPhone\bin\vcast.exe"
     "C:\Call List\mylist.voc"
     -startnow -cleanstatus

You can also remove the 30 seconds delay if you are using a remote gateway for outbound calls.


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